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Showing posts from March, 2020

Social Media is a catalyst

I am pretty sure, that as an informed member of the internet, you must have very bad connotations attached to the word "Social Media". It is one of the new "evils" that you must fight back against, and protect the young generation from. I think it is time to part the curtains and look at this evil clearly. How exactly does it function, and is it really an evil entity, or have we been making up opinions about it without proper analysis? The Problem  Let's first try to articulate the details of this problem. Most people would agree that the following points make Social Media, a bane : Attention Addiction: The tendency to value other people's attention very highly, and to have an affinity to go to any limits, to just get that next "Like".  Comparison Conundrum: The tendency to observe all the positive aspects in other people's lives and then to start comparing their "results" to our life's "results", without real